Trail Classifications
Our routes offer a range of experiences and difficulty levels both within and across bike types (e.g. adventure bikes versus trail bikes) and not all routes and trails will be suited to all riders’ experiences and skill levels. A classification system allows each route to be graded according to their relative technical difficulty, and helps you have the best possible experience out on the trails.
The MTBH Trails Classification System has been designed to:
Help you make informed decisions with consistent labelling of trails
Encourage you to use trails that match your skill level
Manage risk and minimise injuries
Aid in the planning and selection of routes and trails to ensure variety across skill levels and experiences sought
Provide the best opportunity for you to enjoy your experience and have ride expectations met.
Provide guidance as to maintenance levels of different trails
Fundamental Classifications
Do you have questions about our classification system, or what changes to expect with seasonal changes? Review the Plan Your Ride section or see our friendly volunteers at the Hub Trails Centre to gain first-hand insight to make your ride experience the best it can be.